VN - Ren'Py - Bad Hero [Xmas 2024 v1.4.3p] [Xlab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Start the Game Saw Chelsey! Boner Fap Fap Fap. The Animations in this Game are One of the Best i ever saw. Everytime i see Chelsey shaking this hot nubile Body I need to Fap Fap Fap nothing more to say :)
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Frankly i the Christmas in the game are horrible and stupid as it actually play even when not on Christmas.

    The story is stupid as hell, the game contradicts itself non stop, the game gives no real meaning choice at this point i wonder if it would not be better to actually tel it's a kinetic novel as no choice change anything (outside of the ridiculous game over choice).

    And this "we fire him if" again nothing a true personage would say in this situation.
    The plot move robotically and many change between scene don't have any sense at all.

    At that point i guess someone must be monitor the quality of the badness as the game manage to screwup in every category.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    SEASON 2
    Season 2 is so much better than Season 1. Unfortunately you have to get through Season 1 to get to Season 2. The story in season 2 is much more cohesive. It's funny that I still don't like the MC all that much but I love the supporting cast. "MAY" in my opinion is one of the best rendered models in most titles on F95. Her attitude is fierce and she seems like a really fun character currently. The renders and animations are excellent.

    Season 2 (v1.4.3p)is 5 Stars, I really liked it.

    Increasing my score to 4 stars as S1 I gave 3 and Season 2 I gave 5 so 4 Stars overall.

    SEASON 1
    I now understand why this game has such mixed reviews. It is really great at times and really bad at other times.

    It tries hard not to be a Kinetic Novel, they even throw in a few minigames. Unfortunately, you have zero choices to shape the MC's personality.

    The Story premise is great and it is a really good concept that starts off mostly funny. The MC (so far) does not live up to the synopsis of the character at all.

    Synopsis "He is used to be the best in everything. If he has nothing, he will take it from others. And it is better not to get on his way. " Sadly he is not even close to a smooth criminal and how he hasn't landed back in jail is pure and simple plot armor. He reminds me of Walter White from breaking bad the first 2 seasons. He is just a simpleton that lives off of pure luck and plot armor. When he finds out his relationship with two of the side characters are close ties to him, what does he do after finding out this monumental information? He cements his asshole nature further making you dislike the character. Not hate but dislike.

    The good thing about this title is their are a lot of quality renders and some pretty good animation. If you can get into the story it is fairly enjoyable, but you have to be into the story or you will probably hate it.

    Overall it's not a bad title but not a great title so 3 stars is the highest score I can give.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't even know where to start with this one. I have to suspect the 5 star reviews are sock puppets. The graphics are maybe a 6/10 at best. Certainly not enough to compensate for the absolutely schizophrenic plot. I don't mean it is not amazing, or derivative. It literally makes no sense and is often self-contradictory. Like, the job placement lady gets you an interview, then you go meet the women which a scenario that looks like you just randomly ran into them on the street.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is unbelievable, how the developer made game with really good graphics background very bad game. The scenes and animations are cut unexpectingly, there is a lot of side story which is not really enjoyable. The game flow in general is somehow wrong.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Just a bad all round experience.

    The game is FULL of single choice menus and two-choice menus which are just repeatedly asking to turn paths on or off instead of remembered what you picked two lines earlier.

    Your pathetic mc's plot seems to have come from an 11 year old trying to imagine what being macho means

    Women have terrible proportions and the clothes never fit them as a result.

    You are thrown into sex right away with no buildup and all the sex scenes are awful as they seem to have been thought up by an 11 year old who has never seen a woman's body.

    In one insane example the mc with his cartoon dick is able to fuck the asshole of a girl while it's already plugged with a toy and both fit at once and it's comfortable for both parties. Eyeroll.

    Storytelling is pretty non-existent, the writing is terrible
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with ever improving animations. Story is Crazy and Funny and there is probably the hottest Chick I ever Saw in any of these Games. And Yes of Course i mean Chelsey :) Perfect Face and a perfect pair of tits
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Game version: Ep. 2 v. 3.0.4p

    Well, the first Part/ Episode was a desaster, both in terms of animation and story telling quality.
    However, you could definitely see the progress made by the developer; the picture quality and scenes got better, the story was at least a LITTLE easier to follow.

    The second episode makes a noticeable leap forward again in terms of the quality of the animations and images. The scenes are now above average and the pictures are well above average!
    The story remains confusing, the MC is still an unlikeable guy with too many "Haha"'s in his texts.

    In its current state, the game is definitely "acceptable" for me and good for a good fap every now and then.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible, obtuse story that makes no sense.

    The dialogues and 'choices' are absolutely idiotic; half of the time you don't really know what's going to happen because everyone in this game seems mentally ill.

    The renders are alright, but the animations are laughable.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    only reason i can give it 2 stars i that the animation is decent , and some characters are likable

    but that being said, the story is all over the place and makes 0 sense, on the note its decent , the game is already 6 years in progress so its getting outdated with no end in the near future
    the main character is a pussy , and dousn't add up with the story at all ,he should be the bad guy with a X amount of years in prison, but he gets out and he is litterely crawling for everyone

    so unless the dev is going to make sense of the story imo its not worth your time unless you want to have a quick fap
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    *Review based on episode 1*

    + beautiful girls.
    + HQ renders.

    - story doesn't make sense to me, there are inconsistencies in plot, some events are thrown on you just out of nowhere.
    - writing could have been much better.
    - MC is a pussy, that's the biggest downside for me, he is just a spineless worm, and he is also dumb as shit.
    - other characters personalities are also unlikable.

    In general, if your fetish is shoving things up girls assholes (bottles, vegetables, dildos or whatever you have up your hand) - then it will be probably a paradise for you.
    But since I am not an anal-fan, there was nothing else to make me keep playing this game - bad story, bad chars; so at some point I stoped playing, couldn't even make it through episode 1.
    Maybe I am picky, but having good renders and beautiful girls are not enough to keep me engaged.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Kinda liked how the game started out but not a fan not being able to rename the MC and not a fan of forced LIs and this game is all about fucking everyone without giving you any choice as the MC, so to me this might as well be a full kinetic novel which i would never play.

    Story goes to shit pretty fast and stuff just starts to make no sense, MC that started out as a tuff guy turns into a submissive idiot when it comes to females, its just becomes a big mess where story jumps all over the play to the point where your barely able to figue wtf is going on.

    The girls look great but when your forced to fuck those you hate game just falls flat and become a mindless fuckfest game, if i wanted that i would just o watch a shitty porn movie but atleast then i would have a choice in what to watch....

    Its like the dev thinks all people likes everything so everything is just forced on you, there is alot of lesbian stuff even between LIs which i am not the biggest fan of since it can feel a bit like NTR, you also see males fucking girls maybe its just hookers working for MC but when your as the MC is also forced to fuck em thats to much, i am just not a fan of slobby seconds or fucking hookers and since they arent considered LIs then why fuck em at all...but again you have no choice.

    Same goes for girl with huge tits, personaly i hate big/huge tits its nothing but a big turn-off to me, so having that shit forced on you as well really dosent help the game, and having all girls being BI/Lesbians is shitty as well.

    As for choices there are a shitload but 99% either means nothing or its a single choice which is just as pointless.

    Game would have been about a million times better with meaningfull choices or at the very least a choice to who you want to fuck, but since thats not the case its just feels pointless to play.

    Animations are decent enough to enjoy for the most parts.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna put the same amount of effort into this review as there was into any form of quality control:

    + models are good
    - story is derivative and boring
    - dialogue is garbage and often doesn't make sense
    - the dev decided you have to repeatedly click 'actions' for the scenes to change, because they can't animate anything and think that's a good alternative
    - brings up sensitive topics like r@pe but doesn't know how to discuss it with any tact

  14. 5.00 star(s)



    * Amazing models. EP1 have a few stinkers but especially newer ones are some of the best in the industry.

    * Great animations

    * Sex scenes have interesting setups. They're not boring "I love you let's have sex" stuff.

    * Wild but interesting story, more on the fun side.


    * EP1 has some issues with useless options and meaningless clicking to progress the scene, but EP2 doesn't have that so far so the dev is listening to feedback.

    * You will see other men having sex with prostitutes working for you. I hate NTR but I wouldn't consider those scenes NTR, because MC doesn't have emotional attachment to any of them. Be forewarned.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The only positive is the great visual art of the girls.

    This game is for you if you are addicted to anal and inserting stuff in girls holes. The story didn't matter after some minutes bcs it's nothing new and far from anything good. Classic relationships points can lead to extended sex scenes. There aren't any story choices. Act nice or tough without any repercussions.

    Yeah, quick faps. download the WT mod and activate "Skip Unseen" in Preferences until you get a lewd scene.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    - The story makes absolutely no sense. It's abrupt with some plot holes, some events are dropped just out of nowhere.
    - English is just bad.
    - MC is just bad: spineless and stupid.
    - I consider it a kinetic game, you don't actually have any choices. So, obviously all content is forced, you can't avoid it.
    - Bad character development, almost all girls are BI, so you get a lot of FF content (which is unavoidable as I mentioned already), daughters are beautiful, but they are dumb sluts. I still kinda liked blonde, until Dev decided that she has to be fucked by some ugly dude, or rather she was the one who fucked.

    - Good renders.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Broken timeline, broken english, a "bad ass hero" that always gets pushed around, gets manipulated and controlled by the ladies under him.
    When they do something bad against him he almost never push back and when he does he never does it in a way that actually punish anyone. This story doesn't make sense at all.
    He is dumb as a rock, weak and defenceless. He relies on luck and that everyone else solves his problems for him as he can't even get his pants on without falling over.
    Scenes seems to be out of order in many cases.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst game i ever played.
    1. You have NO choices! You must fuck all. Even you hate them.
    2. Most woman are bilesbians. What is not a problem. But you MUST "fuck" them all.
    3. Renders are OK! Sad the dev is not able to put in CHOISES!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's one of the starts off really well and gets worse as you go along .
    The first story is very distinctive , each character is very distinct . The second one has no idea what the author is trying to do, make the story out of the ordinary .
    I am not a native English speaker , I don't know if I'm making myself clear , but I was hoping that you could make the second part of the story like the first part.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall I enjoyed it. It is more a kinetic novel, but I liked the story enough to proceed.

    I wish only to make unseen Judge Olsen naked. Also the scene with Rachel's Bodyguards I would prefer to end it, instead needing to click just fast.

    What I didn't like was that sentences need so long to appear. I often need to rollback, because I was not sure if I need to click or wait.
    Likes: DKft