or you used unnecessarily verbose (for a porn piracy forum) verbiage for a reason I dont care to speculate on.
Nice insinuation by the way, but no need to speculate because I can just tell you
(a) I probably am verbose by nature
(b) more so when it comes to talking maths - I used to teach it and try to cover as many aspects as I can
(c) English is not my native language and when I do not find the correct expression for what I am trying to say, I have to take the longer explanation
(d) I certainly am not good enough to have different styles for different occasions like a porn piracy forum
Ill spin it around and ask: did you do any of the mathematics or data gathering? "My guess is, and apologies if I am wrong: Nope".
Nope, indeed. (You didn't answer my question by the way.) Fun thing for me is: I don't have to. You made a claim backed by some metric "clearly more people looking at the reviews agree with the idea that this game is more middle of the road than the beacon of borderline perfection some claim" - and now it is your job to show the numbers that substantiate that claim.
But I did a little bit of digging now and see what you mean. While no other of the last ratings had more than three likes, a 3 star rating from 12th Feb had 26, a 1 star rating from 24th Oct 2022 had 17. (By the way, the three star rating complains about this game being a sandbox which clearly is one of the tags, so that's already a breach of rules, the one star rating is "I don't like how the girls look, everything else is fine", which is neither one star in my book nor informative because you can tell how the girls look from the sample images on the first page, but let's ignore these quibbles, most of the 5 star ratings weren't any more useful as well). Which indeed is interesting. However, there is a huge overlap in those liking these two reviews, when you count the people who think "this game is overrated" and will even like a review that is worthless just for the rating, they are not a lot more than people who actually rated the game 5 stars in the same time period.
However, let's assume this "rating like" bias exists - is it a HITR thing or is it a general thing? I don't want to dig too deep into this thing, so I only looked at F.I.L.F. and Bad Memories (the games directly before and after HITR in terms of average rating, so I expect an at least somewhat similar distribution) how it is over there. Turns out, F.I.L.F. does have a very similar pattern (the few bad reviews get way more likes than the many good ones) while in Bad Memories there are hardly any review likes in either direction. So it seems it is not only HITR but more general - but not ubiquitous. Which leaves the question you were asking
If people who dislike the game and are in the review section (but not leaving reviews) but scrolling down past several postive ones to like the one the validates their opinion why are people who like the game not doing the same?
And I wouldn't know. Maybe ryansFLYIN was right when he said that people with a minority opinion are looking more for those who think alike. The number of people who are the same in liking "bad reviews" (from the limited sample size I have) seem to point a bit into that direction, but there's also one guy who used to be pretty regular at liking 5 stars, so there's that. Again, I don't know - but it seems that this is to a degree what's the case.
I guess the person throwing mathematics terms to defend a game they like on a porn game piracy forum when I said nothing "pseudo-mathematic" (even more so in the post you quoted).
(a) I am not defending the rating (as I said I don't put much value in it either), I am merely not convinced by your reasoning of why it would be wrong.
(b) When you cite numbers (people who agree with certain reviews) that's at least an appeal to maths.
Dozens of this games reviews were made before this update: If you need me to prove that 275 reviews were made before this update that released today you are arguing in bad faith
I never said you should prove reviews were older. (Unless I misphrased or you misread something in which case glad we got that settled.) I said you should prove what you said about like numbers of certain ratings.
More people in the review section clearly like the game: This is apparent by the positive reviews?
More people who reviewed the game like the game. This is apparent by the positive reviews. If you want to weigh reviews with the likes they got (let's always assume one like from the reviewer themselves) I didn't go deep enough into the data but maybe you'd like to?
Also if seeing something as overrated is just an opinion why am I being told to change it or being given numerical reasons as to why i am wrong (either being talked down to by a mathematician or being called a Game Journalist

If you just said "I think this game is overrated" that would be an opinion. However, you tried to argue with numbers, so you need to produce them. (And I did not say your opinion was wrong, I merely said that you should prove it if you start with citing numbers that these indeed exist).
Also to the people that dont rely on review scores at all do you check out those 1 star games? what if you really like them though?!?
Actually, in 1 star games I indeed read the reviews to see what is wrong, hoping that somebody explained it. More often than not these seem to suffer from very practical reasons like not working at all. If they don't and it's just "It's a sandbox! Not enough content yet! No harem planned!" and I like the blurb and the picture, I might indeed download them. I do the same with any game which "looks" good (so the story is intriguing or whatever) Whether I will ever get to try them is a different beast, there are only so many hours in a day and not all are reserved for gaming. But yeah, if I like them then that's fine because I have a game I like. Just as I stopped playing the best rated game on this site (Being A DIK) since it doesn't do anything for me.