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Feb 5, 2017 6:00 AM

Dec 2012
I had the pleasure of meeting people on MAL with overall mean score as low as 4 and with anime watching time of like 30 days .. I mean do they even like anime? What is worse is when you get lectured on reviewing anime from them ...


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Feb 5, 2017 6:14 AM
Jan 2017
Maybe they think that the MAL score is 1-5 rather than 1-10.
Feb 5, 2017 6:16 AM

Dec 2012
AnimuPatrol said:
Maybe they think that the MAL score is 1-5 rather than 1-10.

Isn't that right? It sounds so illogical that I can't help but believe what you just said..

Feb 5, 2017 6:16 AM

Jun 2015
Mean score and watching time are irrelevant. Maybe he/she already writes many reviews and just want to give advice so you can be better.
Feb 5, 2017 6:17 AM

Apr 2013
I look at your score of seven plus and think you don't have a discerning bone in your body.

I joke/lie, I thought that from looking at your favourites.
Feb 5, 2017 6:21 AM
Jul 2015
Well, when I just got into anime I watched pretty much anything. But after a while began disliking the harem and ecchi genres which are like at least 70% of the anime out was then when it started to rain with rating below 6 in my list. Probably they are the same.

There's also the case where you can't help comparing anime series between each other. And after watching an anime like idk - let's say Parasyte - the other ordinary anime series start to look bland
Feb 5, 2017 6:25 AM

Apr 2014
Same. A mean score of 8.5+ or you basically hate anime.
People with a mean score lower than 6 are fucking dumb and pretentious and should look for another hobby.
A stupid thread deserves a stupid answer!
Feb 5, 2017 6:25 AM
Jun 2014
I do agree with the person that your Re:Zero didn't really explain anything. Moreover, just because someone has a low mean score doesn't mean they hate anime. They probably look at anime in a more objective perspective and fully utilize the 1-10 scale instead of just rating everything a 7 or higher. Also, what does watching time have to do with anything. A person with 30 days watched can love anime just as much as someone with 300 days watched.
Feb 5, 2017 6:26 AM

Mar 2012
I'm just gonna say what i usually say

if you think most anime is shit, you can always go do something else.. it's not like anime is your obligation
Feb 5, 2017 6:33 AM
Jun 2014
EcchiLordMamster said:
I'm just gonna say what i usually say

if you think most anime is shit, you can always go do something else.. it's not like anime is your obligation

Considering you rate everything a 10, I can't really take what you said seriously. There's a lot of good, bad, and average anime out there.
Feb 5, 2017 6:36 AM

Feb 2016
AnimuPatrol said:
Maybe they think that the MAL score is 1-5 rather than 1-10.

That argument is better used when referring to people with 7+ mean scores aka the vast majority of MAL since they apparently think the scale is 5-10

Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself.

That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes!

Feb 5, 2017 6:38 AM

Feb 2013
If you check how I rate you will see that my mean score of 4.82 isn't bad.
Some have different rating systems.
But I don't hate any anime, even the ones I gave a 1/10, I just didn't like anything about them.
I can hate certain characters due to their personalities, but not the entire anime.
Feb 5, 2017 6:39 AM

Dec 2012
Hayming said:
I do agree with the person that your Re:Zero didn't really explain anything. Moreover, just because someone has a low mean score doesn't mean they hate anime. They probably look at anime in a more objective perspective and fully utilize the 1-10 scale instead of just rating everything a 7 or higher. Also, what does watching time have to do with anything. A person with 30 days watched can love anime just as much as someone with 300 days watched.

What if I told you that person gave Re Zero a 2/10 without explaining anything? And what if I told you he only criticised my review because I told him off in a thread to stop being a troll and improve his english?

Valium said:
I look at your score of seven plus and think you don't have a discerning bone in your body.

I joke/lie, I thought that from looking at your favourites.

Are you one of those? A mythical creature called an elitist? A mean score of 7 is completely normal if you have a good taste in anime , And I don't want to hear that from someone who does not have a proper favorite list..

Badass said:
Mean score and watching time are irrelevant. Maybe he/she already writes many reviews and just want to give advice so you can be better.

That guy wrote 0 reviews .. And when you are starting to watch anime .. It is expected to have a reasonably high Mean score because you are watching the best of the best and have not burned out yet..

EcchiLordMamster said:
I'm just gonna say what i usually say

if you think most anime is shit, you can always go do something else.. it's not like anime is your obligation

I think this is what you call when you take another step beyond Elitism ..

Feb 5, 2017 6:42 AM

Feb 2013
KuuhakuDesu said:
I've heard many people argumenting about "how MAL scores are too high", "how people don't use the score scale correctly" and even "why a 5.5 score is the absolute average".

I'll not say they're wrong, but I don't really agree with these.

The thing is:

Why would someone keep watching many shows, and yet give them such low scores? Of course there are some bad shows, but if they consider most of anime bad, to the point of constantly giving a 5 or lower scores, then why do they keep watching?

Masochism, perhaps? Or maybe they enjoy spending their time on something they think is mostly bad?

I get that they can do whatever they please, but I just can't find it something reasonable.
no matter how you rate, you will always have above average and below average scores

your mean score is 8.05
now imagine everything you rated 8-10 to be 5-10 (average & above avg)
and everything you rated 4-7 to be 1-4 (below avg)

and tldr your 4-7 is another man's 1-4
Feb 5, 2017 6:43 AM

Dec 2012
KuuhakuDesu said:
I've heard many people argumenting about "how MAL scores are too high", "how people don't use the score scale correctly" and even "why a 5.5 score is the absolute average".

I'll not say they're wrong, but I don't really agree with these.

The thing is:

Why would someone keep watching many shows, and yet give them such low scores? Of course there are some bad shows, but if they consider most of anime bad, to the point of constantly giving a 5 or lower scores, then why do they keep watching?

Masochism, perhaps? Or maybe they enjoy spending their time on something they think is mostly bad?

I get that they can do whatever they please, but I just can't find it something reasonable.

At one point I think they were just being tsundere but such an extreme mean score would not cut off as being tsundere..

I truly believe Extreme fanboyism is bad .. But Extreme hate to give everything a low score is worse .. Fanboyism atleast means you are enjoying your anime which is the most important thing ..

I am perfectly fine with people who have mean score as low as 5 .. I think that is another way of rating .. Beyond that and with ruining the enjoyment of others is worse..
KazuroWeisemannFeb 5, 2017 6:50 AM

Feb 5, 2017 6:49 AM
Jun 2014
You give Re:Zero and Erased a ten and you're talking about how you have good taste?
Feb 5, 2017 6:53 AM

Aug 2014
I find it interesting, how often I see the question: "Do these people even like Anime?", as if it were some big ideology, that you are either a part of or not.
Feb 5, 2017 6:56 AM

Jun 2015
KazuroWeisemann said:
Badass said:
Mean score and watching time are irrelevant. Maybe he/she already writes many reviews and just want to give advice so you can be better.

That guy wrote 0 reviews .. And when you are starting to watch anime .. It is expected to have a reasonably high Mean score because you are watching the best of the best and have not burned out yet..

Well, he said that he writes review outside MAL so maybe his writing skill is better than yours. I feel like you are butthurt because got lectured by someone that has less experience in anime than you. What if I told you that he has watched more good titles than you? BTW I have more watching time and more completed entries So I am prettyyy damn sure my anime judgement is above than yours...
Feb 5, 2017 6:58 AM

Dec 2012
leitorcinico said:
Excuse me, but I think for someone dislikes something, they don't have to give reasons to it. I can give you reasons why I don't like Re:zero. But someones that can't isn't wrong anyway. A shallow show, with an idea of 'time-reset' that is used as a lazy strategy to make anything be reversed with no questioning. No matter what happens, it's just DIE and all of your problems are solved. But hey, it's great to see how Subaru gets crazy isn't? Well, no. He doesn't get crazy. The edginess of blood everywhere and see you 'waifu' die before your eyes isn't something really significative when you can CONTROL what's happen almost in a divine way. If he was lost in time, maybe the "craziness" might have some realism or plausibility. But as it's a plot armor show, with a predictable ending and that fanservice that makes "warmful", yeah, I didn't like it. Are you satisfied now?

Well you are entitled to have your own opinion on the show and I really respect that .. But what do you mean by Crazy? He never goes crazy , He 'Acts' as being crazy to escape from reality ... Oh and if you think that killing yourself and restarting is easy then think again.. Do you know how scary it is to jump of a cliff? Do you know how painful death could be? No right? This is an unanswered question that will never be answered ...


Aside form the above thing .. I ll just say that hating on a character just because he did not make the same decision as you is not right .. I know its frustrating and you feel like punching the screen .. But a character is judged by the depth ..

Another thing , Its ok to criticize but for eg. If someone likes Mayoiga (Which I absolutely dislike) I won't tell him off as having shit taste .. That person Liked it and enjoyed it so what is wrong with that no matter how bad the show is?

Feb 5, 2017 7:02 AM

Dec 2012
Badass said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

That guy wrote 0 reviews .. And when you are starting to watch anime .. It is expected to have a reasonably high Mean score because you are watching the best of the best and have not burned out yet..

Well, he said that he writes review outside MAL so maybe his writing skill is better than yours. I feel like you are butthurt because got lectured by someone that has less experience in anime than you. What if I told you that he has watched more good titles than you? BTW I have more watching time and more completed entries So I am prettyyy damn sure my anime judgement is above than yours...

I could say the same .. What exactly is good taste then? Is there a written down rule that acting like an elitist and have a low mean score makes you have good taste? I reverse Your entire argument and ask you back ...

Feb 5, 2017 7:07 AM
Nov 2010
When you make your opinion public, you invite for a discussion, including criticism. I don't see why you're complaining.

Furthermore, numbers such as hours/days spent on watching anime do matter in general, but they're not absolute, so you shouldn't dismiss others' opinions just based on that.

As for the mean score stuff, it's even more irrelevant. They are only there to represent certain thoughts with a single number. People use the scale differently.
Feb 5, 2017 7:08 AM

Jun 2015
KazuroWeisemann said:

I could say the same .. What exactly is good taste then? Is there a written down rule that acting like an elitist and have a low mean score makes you have good taste? I reverse Your entire argument and ask you back ...

So we are talking about taste now, eh? I thought we are talking about this thread topic. Do you consider I acting like elitist and also have a low mean score just to be pretending to have good taste? Taste is subjective and who cares if you have good taste or not. If you are wondering why I have a low mean score, it's because I watched many obsecure shorts.
Feb 5, 2017 7:08 AM

Oct 2016
My mean score is pretty high because I don't think myself as a self proclaimed critic or something .
Also , having a mean score around 6 isn't bad either because 6 means "fine" and fine isn't too bad.
As for those whose mean score is less than 5, I seriously don't have any idea what goes in their mind.
Feb 5, 2017 7:10 AM

Dec 2012
leitorcinico said:
And when did I say he have to make what I would make? Realism is not just about self insertion. It is about staying on the line created by the author and any changes must be justified by the plot in an understandable way.

I didn't say that anyone taste is shit. NEVER. The harsh thing I've told you is that your reviews are poorly written, because you don't EXPLAIN enough to be useful.

LN authors usually personify themselves as their own characters ... I have heard someone saying that Reki Kawahara writes sword art online by placing himself in the shoes of Kirito .. And I think most LN authors are the same .. Its like saying that author of Re Zero is not a real person ...

Forget about the review ... You just criticised it and you were the first person who did that soo getting criticisms is also a good thing..

Feb 5, 2017 7:13 AM

Dec 2012
Badass said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

I could say the same .. What exactly is good taste then? Is there a written down rule that acting like an elitist and have a low mean score makes you have good taste? I reverse Your entire argument and ask you back ...

So we are talking about taste now, eh? I thought we are talking about this thread topic. Do you consider I acting like elitist and also have a low mean score just to be pretending to have good taste? Taste is subjective and who cares if you have good taste or not. If you are wondering why I have a low mean score, it's because I watched many obsecure shorts.

Did you realized your previous comment just screamed of you having a better taste? Thats why I brought it up.. And yeah Taste is subjective so I don't think anyone should be accused of having bad taste..

Feb 5, 2017 7:14 AM
Jul 2018
KuuhakuDesu said:
romagia said:
no matter how you rate, you will always have above average and below average scores

Well... that's the whole concept of average so... Unless one gives always the same score, but that's a very specific case, I guess.

romagia said:

your mean score is 8.05
now imagine everything you rated 8-10 to be 5-10 (average & above avg)
and everything you rated 4-7 to be 1-4 (below avg)

and tldr your 4-7 is another man's 1-4

That implying I use a 4-7 scale, which is not true at all.
After all, if I rated a show with a 1-3 score, there wouldn't be a correspondence to the another man's scale.

But, again, people can rate things how they want, it's none of my concern.
Though I really am curious to what makes some of them have more than a 100 completed shows (I'm being euphemic here) and have a mean score of 5 or lower, in a 1-10 scale, and still keep watching anime.

Maybe because they have nothing better to do? Nothing better than to watch shows worth a 5 or less?

Oh well... people.

About the whole "why do people watch so much anime but give most of it a low score". Maybe because once in a while there comes a show that makes sitting through the sea of mediocrity worth it, or maybe once they start something, they have to finish it, even if they end up not liking it.
Feb 5, 2017 7:14 AM

Oct 2016
KazuroWeisemann said:
Badass said:

Well, he said that he writes review outside MAL so maybe his writing skill is better than yours. I feel like you are butthurt because got lectured by someone that has less experience in anime than you. What if I told you that he has watched more good titles than you? BTW I have more watching time and more completed entries So I am prettyyy damn sure my anime judgement is above than yours...

I could say the same .. What exactly is good taste then? Is there a written down rule that acting like an elitist and have a low mean score makes you have good taste? I reverse Your entire argument and ask you back ...

If you start a thread, you should respect everyone's opinion.
Its a discussion right ? Not about who is right or wrong.
Feb 5, 2017 7:15 AM

Jun 2015
KazuroWeisemann said:

Did you realized your previous comment just screamed of you having a better taste? Thats why I brought it up.. And yeah Taste is subjective so I don't think anyone should be accused of having bad taste..

Did you realized my previous comment is the same like you said to that guy? You are the person that feels more superior because watched more anime so I give you back that.
Feb 5, 2017 7:15 AM

Dec 2012
Animelia99 said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

I could say the same .. What exactly is good taste then? Is there a written down rule that acting like an elitist and have a low mean score makes you have good taste? I reverse Your entire argument and ask you back ...

If you start a thread, you should respect everyone's opinion.
Its a discussion right ? Not about who is right or wrong.

Umm and when did I do that .. As far as I can see its the opposite no?

Feb 5, 2017 7:17 AM

Dec 2012
Badass said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

Did you realized your previous comment just screamed of you having a better taste? Thats why I brought it up.. And yeah Taste is subjective so I don't think anyone should be accused of having bad taste..

Did you realized my previous comment is the same like you said to that guy? You are the person that feels more superior because watched more anime so I give you back that.

I already got told off my portion by that guy so I don't need you to tell me off yet again .. Then again I am not the one who started this..

Feb 5, 2017 7:19 AM

Mar 2016
The problem with the "anime score/rating or whatever you calls it as" is we see it differently, so that we rates anime differently.

Rating can be seen as a reward - a score that the viewer want to give to an anime. And also can be seen as a measurement - a score that the show has (value).

Not only in the nature of rating. We also different in how we decide our rating.

There's people who see rating as as a mere number. Doesn't have any meaning and people who has this perspective may only see rating as categorial tools for anime.

And there's also people who see it as the way to convey their though. It may sounds retarded but there's people who is not good in explaining their thoughts. They may feel that it's easier and more comfortable to convey their thoughts through symbols or action. And regarding animes' value, through numbers. For people like this, rating is not merely a number, it's a represent of their thoughts. So that they put more thought and effor in "how he should do rating" to make their rating could truely represent their thoughts about the anime.

In regarding rating's label. There's people who think Mal rating system and it's label is good. But there's people who feel uncomfortable with it and it's hard to decide a score using it. Thanks to that, people come up with an idea to make their own standard and their own labels. And there's also people who think that rating needn't a label. They see it as interval scale that shouldn't be labeled. Only the higher rating, the better the anime.

In deciding a rating, people may come up with a different idea.

There's people who breaks anime a part into a little piece - elements of anime. And there's people who think that that's not how entertainment/ art medium works, and the anime should be judged as the big picture - little pieces that work together.

In regarding rating distribution, there's people who think the distribution of rating is not something important. They may never think about it in the first place. While, there's people who think rating should be normally distributed.

It's just a brief example of how we are different in giving a score. I am sure it's more complicated than how I described here.

So, before judging a certain person that he doesn't enjoy watching anime because he has a low mean score, you may want to asked him first, what is the meaning of rating for him? and how he decided his score/rating?.
Kurniawan_KtrFeb 5, 2017 7:33 AM
"People who don't see that anime has changed are either wearing "glasses" or watching only a certain type (and or era) of anime"
"Having a low mean score doesn't necessarily mean one doesn't enjoy anime. Rating system is not a school grading system."
"Elitist is people who think he is superior than others. Not necessarily ones who insulting/critisizing your favorite anime or people who enjoy a certain type of anime"
"Fanboy is people who translating "your favorite anime is shit" into "you are shit".
"Being a fanboy is an indication of elitism"
Feb 5, 2017 7:23 AM

Dec 2012
leitorcinico said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

LN authors usually personify themselves as their own characters ... I have heard someone saying that Reki Kawahara writes sword art online by placing himself in the shoes of Kirito .. And I think most LN authors are the same .. Its like saying that author of Re Zero is not a real person ...

Forget about the review ... You just criticised it and you were the first person who did that soo getting criticisms is also a good thing..

... I don't understand what you said. I think you don't have anything to say (or had) about realism, so whatever...

Uh then google translate it...

I meant by placing it in simple terms.. Light novel writers think of themselves as their character while writing , Understand? then I said Re Zero is written by a writer who thinks he is the Main character so by calling the main character not acting real you are saying that the writer himself is not real .. Clear enough?

So just because you dont understand my comment you will consider I have nothing to say about realism .. What?

Feb 5, 2017 7:24 AM

Jul 2015
KazuroWeisemann said:
Valium said:
I look at your score of seven plus and think you don't have a discerning bone in your body.

I joke/lie, I thought that from looking at your favourites.

Are you one of those? A mythical creature called an elitist? A mean score of 7 is completely normal if you have a good taste in anime , And I don't want to hear that from someone who does not have a proper favorite list..

Badass said:
Mean score and watching time are irrelevant. Maybe he/she already writes many reviews and just want to give advice so you can be better.

That guy wrote 0 reviews .. And when you are starting to watch anime .. It is expected to have a reasonably high Mean score because you are watching the best of the best and have not burned out yet..

So you made this thread to tell evil elitists with a low mean score they have shit taste and your opinion is obviously superior because your stats on MAL are higher? Interesting.

I like how you tell us with a straight face all the anime you watch aren't good because of their inherent quality, but because you have "good taste" and your "good taste" can only make you pick great shows. Sounds more like you'd watch anything as long as it has pretty colors, but hey, my mean score is a bit low to have good taste, so what do I know?
(or maybe some kind of delusion that prevents you from admitting something you spent 8 hours watching was shit. I know some people are like that.)
Prophetess of the Golden Era
Feb 5, 2017 7:25 AM

Oct 2014
Well, you know the saying "80% of everything is crap"... or was it 90?
Feb 5, 2017 7:27 AM

Dec 2012
Clebardman said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

Are you one of those? A mythical creature called an elitist? A mean score of 7 is completely normal if you have a good taste in anime , And I don't want to hear that from someone who does not have a proper favorite list..

That guy wrote 0 reviews .. And when you are starting to watch anime .. It is expected to have a reasonably high Mean score because you are watching the best of the best and have not burned out yet..

So you made this thread to tell evil elitists with a low mean score they have shit taste and your opinion is obviously superior because your stats on MAL are higher? Interesting.

I like how you tell us with a straight face all the anime you watch aren't good because of their inherent quality, but because you have "good taste" and your "good taste" can only make you pick great shows. Sounds more like you'd watch anything as long as it has pretty colors, but hey, my mean score is a bit low to have good taste, so what do I know?

Wowww where did you get that from ? Did you honestly read the comments? I am in support of some elitists actually , What are you even talking about..

Feb 5, 2017 7:33 AM

Dec 2013
Yes a very very very much lot!!!!!!!
Feb 5, 2017 7:36 AM

Nov 2015
RedInfinity said:
Well, you know the saying "80% of everything is crap"... or was it 90?

thats what elitist say to justify writing reviews
all entertainment is a waste of time
In particular there is no anime worth your time and ranking shows is nothing but akin to masturbation of the mind.
Feb 5, 2017 7:38 AM

Jul 2015
@KazuroWeisemann Yeah, yeah, whatever dude. I don't know where you're going with that, and I don't think you do either. Reread what you write because I don't think you are supporting anyone, and imaginary elitists sure don't need it.

Regarding your "but I have more days watched!" bit... I'll trust someone with 5 days watched (and a very low affinity to boot) if he sounds like he knows what he's talking about, over a weeb with 200 days watched who barely knows the basics. Days watched mean nothing.
DeathkoFeb 5, 2017 7:43 AM
Prophetess of the Golden Era
Feb 5, 2017 7:41 AM

Sep 2016
People with very low or high mean scores are hard to take seriously and they're the kind of people who are too harsh or lenient, giving 1's and 10's to shows that don't deserve it. It's quite laughable, really. And those who say that your mean score should be around 5.5 are wrong. Unless you watch completely random anime you have no prior knowledge of, there is a higher chance you will like shows because they seemed fun or interesting for you to begin with.

Feb 5, 2017 7:45 AM

Dec 2012
leitorcinico said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

Uh then google translate it...

I meant by placing it in simple terms.. Light novel writers think of themselves as their character while writing , Understand? then I said Re Zero is written by a writer who thinks he is the Main character so by calling the main character not acting real you are saying that the writer himself is not real .. Clear enough?

It was about the point, not the language. Seems like you didn't understand too lol. So I will explain more clearly than you. What you've said there's nothing to do with realism, that was the subject I was talking about. Doesn't matter if they use self insertion or whatever. This is an option. Realism is a literary artifice. Maybe I shouldn't have cited the self insertion, If knew you would be so confused about it.

So are you saying that Realism cannot be used in literature itself?

Feb 5, 2017 7:45 AM

Feb 2016
OP crying because they told him he has shit taste.
You rated Re:Zero a fucking 10, I would have flamed you too.

And you are calling that a review? what the fuck ahahaha
Feb 5, 2017 7:49 AM

Dec 2012
Aquamirror said:
OP crying because they told him he has shit taste.
You rated Re:Zero a fucking 10, I would have flamed you too.

And you are calling that a review? what the fuck ahahaha

I dunno about that but it sure looks to me that you are throwing a tantrum , I mean is it not embarrassing?

Feb 5, 2017 7:50 AM

Dec 2012
Apoc_Revolution said:
People with very low or high mean scores are hard to take seriously and they're the kind of people who are too harsh or lenient, giving 1's and 10's to shows that don't deserve it. It's quite laughable, really. And those who say that your mean score should be around 5.5 are wrong. Unless you watch completely random anime you have no prior knowledge of, there is a higher chance you will like shows because they seemed fun or interesting for you to begin with.

I think I should put this as my new signature or something..

Feb 5, 2017 7:52 AM

Dec 2012
leitorcinico said:
KazuroWeisemann said:

So are you saying that Realism cannot be used in literature itself?

What? Are you schizophrenic? If is an artifice, it can be used to author's pleasure, in all ways possible. What I said is that use Self Insertion doesn't mean you're being REALISTIC. Even a blind can see that.

The what according to you is realism .. I am getting really curious..

Feb 5, 2017 7:53 AM

Oct 2013
@KazuroWeisemann @Clebardman
am I having deja vu because I swear Im feeling like I've seen this fight before
Feb 5, 2017 7:55 AM

Feb 2016
KazuroWeisemann said:
Aquamirror said:
OP crying because they told him he has shit taste.
You rated Re:Zero a fucking 10, I would have flamed you too.

And you are calling that a review? what the fuck ahahaha

I dunno about that but it sure looks to me that you are throwing a tantrum , I mean is it not embarrassing?

Man, you put the most retarded shitpost in history and you are asking me if I'm embarrassed?
Feb 5, 2017 7:56 AM

Oct 2015
It's possible to enjoy an anime that's considered bad by the viewer, and not everyone rates based on enjoyment alone you know. Even if they do there will be varying degrees of enjoyment. Would you give the same score to an anime you enjoyed far more/less than another? There's nothing wrong with that, but there's also no need to criticize others for their way of scoring. Let people do what they want, it shouldn't be of any concern to you.
Feb 5, 2017 7:56 AM
Dec 2011
Well, I'm not sure if this pertains to this topic, but I had this one guy who messaged me about my review of SAO (which was removed long ago due to it not following the proper guidelines) telling me to kill myself because he didn't like how I give almost every anime I've seen a 10/10 and even went so far as to say I had poor taste. He even said I'm not depressed when I am. Oh how wrong he is...
Feb 5, 2017 7:56 AM

Oct 2016
Apoc_Revolution said:
People with very low or high mean scores are hard to take seriously and they're the kind of people who are too harsh or lenient, giving 1's and 10's to shows that don't deserve it. It's quite laughable, really. And those who say that your mean score should be around 5.5 are wrong. Unless you watch completely random anime you have no prior knowledge of, there is a higher chance you will like shows because they seemed fun or interesting for you to begin with.

Probably the best response man.
I am not very good with the words so its very difficult for me to write what I actually think in a proper way.You just wrote what I really wanted to say.
Feb 5, 2017 7:58 AM

Mar 2012
Hayming said:
EcchiLordMamster said:
I'm just gonna say what i usually say

if you think most anime is shit, you can always go do something else.. it's not like anime is your obligation

Considering you rate everything a 10, I can't really take what you said seriously. There's a lot of good, bad, and average anime out there.

Everyone has a different definition of good and bad, so you can't just assume my 10s are the same as yours

I watch anime becase I love it, idgaf about the "flaws" you critics speak of, at the end of the day it's about entertainmentand nothing else

quote=kamisama751 message=49566444]
EcchiLordMamster said:
I'm just gonna say what i usually say

if you think most anime is shit, you can always go do something else.. it's not like anime is your obligation

Right? That's why people should also stop wondering. We do that because we want to. It is none of your business.[/quote]

I know it's not, no one is telling you to stop, however your right to think most anime sucks is my right to tell yall to go somewhere with that
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